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"Us (Abigail's Lullaby)"

Poetry by Paco-Michelle Atwood. Original music composed & performed by Zachariah Robinson

Poetry originally written from the voice of Innocence...that free-sprited inner-child who is still fascinated and nurtured by the simple things in life; from the voice of that "special tribe" of individuals who are often misunderstood, isolated, or simply overlooked because they are "different" on the outside...but still choose to embrace and celebrate who they are on the inside. 

"Guardian Soul"

Co-written by Paco-Michelle Atwood &

Wil "Bodhisattva" Higareda


"Panic set in nice and slow…gradually building over time... just like the algae in her abandoned fish tanks. There was no one reason, no specific cause, no guilty culprit other than…Herself."

 Theme(s): Battling personal demons; overcoming traumatic experiences; finding one's sense of strength, freedom, or self-empowerment.

"Swingin' Low in Seattle"

Poetry & music by Paco-Michelle Atwood.


"A mellow piece reflecting on how powerful (or painful) words can be, when we let them; and the places my mind tends to go when I'm stuck somewhere I don't want to be."

ePoetry experimenting with words, images, and sound..."Re-visit and Re-Create" using simple apps.


Theme(s): The power of words and how we choose to use them; little things we do to help us keep a positive attitude through trying times and undesired circumstances.

"Immobile Spirit Rain Dance"

Poetry, music, and original artwork by Paco-Michelle Atwood

An "earth-jazzy" sound track back-dropped to "...soul-shaking poetry". Originally released with the "New Rendition of Old Black Spirituals" CD in 2011; re-visited & re-created in 2013 for "World Inside Designer Jeans".

"Sounds of conga drums and soul-shaking poetry feed the Spirits unselfishly.

Damned to play invisible hopscotch like a child on punishment Like a flock of butterflies from one cocoon


What IS

ePoetry Therapy?

...and WHO is

Witch Hazel Widow?

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