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What IS

ePoetry Therapy?

...and WHO is

Witch Hazel Widow?

Paco-Michelle Atwood
Witch Hazel Widow ePoetry Therapy Project
Project Creator, Architect & Creative Director
Joshua Anderson

Contributing Artist

(Technical Design & Music/SFX)

Akili Wilson

Contributing Artist


"I didn't realize how much making music meant to me, until I found myself having to live without it for a while. It was easy for me to start believing that nothing I did mattered anymore. But then when I saw what my music did for other people...the creative inspiration it gave them, or the dark corner they needed to get through a rough time...that's when I realized just how much what I do really does matter. Even when I am the one who's going through it. It's like a give and take. But the good kind... the kind that makes you just want to keep going until something good happens."


              - [Akili Wilson, Contributing Artist]

Carloh J. Lee

Contributing Artist

(Character Development & Content Production) 

Cynthia "Sk8z-On-Deck" Skates (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content Production, In-World Set Design, Art Curator) 

Charlotte "Chilly-Moon" Chiles (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content & Audio Production, In-World Set Design) 

Drake "Darkest Twin" Chiles (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content & Audio Production, In-World Set Design) 

Haze "The Widow" Walker (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content & Audio Production, In-World Set Design) 

E. Piano-Girl Draconia (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Storyline & Content Production, In-World Set Design) 


"I admit it. I have trust issues and I have a mean streak. I am like the little girl who had the little curl right down the middle of her forehead. Only, I am not a little girl anymore. So, having a creative outlet helps to convert negative energy into something positive and useful. It keeps me out of 'grown-up' trouble."


                                                - [PG Draconia]

Geronimo Grizzly (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content & Audio Production, In-World Set Design) 

Miramae Entoncez (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content Production & Wardrobe) 

Sasha Mustafa (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Storyline & Content Production) 

The N Society
A wonderful bunch of brave and generous individuals (...virtually anonymous donors!) who have discovered the therapeutic joy of sharing something personal "out loud" with strangers.  


Popping in whenever they can, from different parts of the world, from various walks of life, for a variety of different reasons...the Rain City Underground Players are real people who have made creative contributions to the foundation and ongoing development of Witch Hazel Widow's ePoetry Therapy project, simply because they found it to be a personally rewarding and entertaining experience.  

Through poetry, music, and simulated-environment social media, they found a way to re-connect with something exciting and amazing within themselves, and then opened their virtual homes and private thoughts to the public, so that others may do the same.  What started out as just a handful of regular everyday people meeting up in SecondLife for a creative writing exercise, has blossomed into a very crafty and intriguing network of new-found artists, musicians, poets, designers, creative visionaries and, well...Story-Tellers! 

From these roots, grew the branches and leaves that created a lovely network of virtual communities, developed and curated by Real-Life people sharing their Real-Life works and personal experiences.

When you make a personal contribution to the foundation and ongoing development of these communities, you become a part of the collective movement to ensure that there is a place for Human experience and the legacies of Real-Life to thrive in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Everything. When others can see that you are a part of that, then you ARE officially N.

Sydney "Hi-Yo-Silver" Silverstone (SL)

In-World Player & Contributing Artist

(Content & Audio Production, In-World Set Design) 


"There was a time when I just felt angry all the time. Even when I would be having a good time, the smallest things could get me riled up and I would just lash out at anybody.  People I didn't like, people I cared about, people I didn't even know...anybody. It was just second-nature for me, and there wasn't much I was afraid of so I didn't think about how much damage I was causing until after the damage was already done.  It took a really good friend to sit me down, and shut me up long enough to just listen for a minute...not just to other people and to what was going on around me, but to myself. I mean, to literally just shut the [?!%!] up and listen to what I sound like from the perspective of someone outside listening in.  When I heard someone else's performance or interpretation of an old poem that I wrote, or when listened to someone else's lyrics put to a track that I started but for whatever reason never gave me a whole different perspective on the things going on in my head. And definitely deeper insight into myself. It sounds strange just saying it but, I had to learn how to be happy.  I had to learn how to accept happiness into my life and actually allow myself to enjoy it. That was a hard lesson...and I'm still learning. But one thing I do know. Ever since I started writing again, I've felt like I have been empowered with the ability to have more control over the outcome of challenging situations. I feel like I have the power to decide whether or not I like the way I sound before I even open my mouth to speak. I like that. And I'm getting good at it too!"


                          - [S. Silverstone, Contributing Artist]

Other people's stories

(...who ELSE is doing it?)

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